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Invisalign and Braces in Orange County


Phone (714) 689-8171
Address 2800 N. Main St, Suite 808,
Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States


Based in Santa Ana, CA, Invisalign and Braces in Orange County is a premier orthodontic practice completely devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile as well as specializing in Invisalign Dentistry. We utilize conservative, state-of-the-art techniques and procedures that will give you a gorgeous and long-lasting smile. Our staff includes an exceptional team of dental professionals, along with our incredible nurses and assistants.

Our high standard of quality enables us to provide the Invisalign Orange County orthodontic services you deserve. We administer comprehensive treatment plans to all of our patients to help them achieve their optimal dental health and appearance. In the event of a dental emergency, we arrange for your instant care.

We pride ourselves on our ability to stay on top of all of our treatments and our communication with our patients. During your consultation, we will take the time to assess any preexisting dental conditions you may have. We will make sure we are aware of all of your dental goals and desires to provide you with the best course of action and all the information you need to get there.

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