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EM Garage Doors And Gate Service Inc


Phone (818) 919-0785
Mobile (818) 919-0785 - Mobile
Address 19629 Cantara St, Reseda, CA 91335, United States,
Reseda, CA 91335 United States


EM Garage is the best garage door repair service in Los Angeles. We have a team of expert technicians who can fix any type of garage door problem, from broken springs to bent tracks. We also offer a wide range of services, including installation, replacement, and repairs.
Residential, Commercial & Industrial Garage doors Repair Service Los Angeles County. We are the best choice for all your residential, commercial or industrial garage door needs! Our company is fully licensed and insured with over 15 years of experience servicing our customers throughout California. From installation to repairs we do it all at affordable prices. Call us today for more information on how you can save money by choosing us as your local garage door services provider.

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